Ways of Expressing Future Actions. Diachronic and Synchronic Analysis

Тип работы: Курсовая
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2013
Кол-во страниц: 28

Описание работы


1.1 The Place of Diachrony in Linguistics    5
1.2 The Place of Synchrony in Linguistics    11
2.1 Analysis of Ways of Expressing Future Actions    16
2.2 Diachronic and Synchronic Analysis of “be going to”    19



1. Randy Allen Harris, The Linguistic Wars. Oxford Univ. Press, 1993 2. Roy Harris, "Linguists After Saussure." The Routledge Companion to Semiotics and Linguistics, ed. by Paul Cobley. Routledge, 2001 3. Richard D. Janda and Brian D. Joseph, "On Language, Change, and Language Change." The Handbook of Historical Linguistics, ed. by B. D. Joseph and R. D. Janda. Blackwell, 2003 4. Labov, W., 1972,"Where do Grammars Stop?", in R.W. Shuy (ed.), Report of the Twenty-Third Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Studies, Washington D.C., Georgetown University Press. 5. Labov, W., 1994, Principles of Linguistic Change, vol 1, Oxford, Blackwell. 6. Saussure, Ferdinand de. 1982. Cours de linguistique générale. Édition critique préparée par Tullio de Mauro. Paris: Payot. 7. Saussure, Ferdinand de. 1989. Kurs obecné lingvistiky. Praha: Odeon (translated from the critical edition of de Saussure 1982 into Czech with a commentary and additional excerpts from the manuscript edition of R. Engler 1967, 1968, 1974 by F. Čermák). 8. Trnka, Bohumil. 1943. "Obecné otázky strukturálního jazykozpytu (General Problems of Structural Liguistics)." Slovo a slovesnost 9. 9. Trnka, Bohumil. 1948. "Jazykozpyt a myšlenková struktura doby (Linguistics and the Intellectual Structure of the Period)." Slovo a slovesnost 10. 10. Trnka, Bohumil. 1988. Kapitoly z funkční jazykovědy. Studies in Functional Linguistics. Praha: Univerzita Karlova. 11. Quirk, R. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman. 1985 12. Geoffrey Sampson, Schools of Linguistics. Stanford Univ. Press, 1980 13. Colleen Elaine Donnelly, Linguistics for Writers. State Univ. of New York Press, 1994 14. Jean Aitchison, Language Change: Progress or Decay? 3rd ed. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001 15. Saussure, F. de. Kurs obshchei lingvistiki. Moscow, 1933. (Translated from French.) 16. Baugh, A. C. & Cable, T., A History of the English Language. London: Routledge, 1993 17. Binnick, R. I., Will and Be Going to II. Proceedings of the 8th Regional Meeting Chicago Linguistics Society 1972, 8. 18. Ouhalla, J., Functional Categories and Parametric Variation. London: Routledge, 1991 19. Swan, M., Practical English Usage, 2nd Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995 20. Kraaikamp, M., Data-Oriented Parsing and Language Change: U-DOP Modelling the Grammaticalisation of 'be going to'. Paper for the MA course 'Cognitive Models of Language and Beyond', Universiteit van Amsterdam. 21. Perez, A., Time in Motion: Grammaticalisation of the 'be going to Construction' in English. La Trobe University Working Papers in Linguistics 3, 1990.

Количество источников: 21

Цена: 3000 тг

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