Translation transformations on the material of a literature by writers of the end of 20 century

Тип работы: Магистерская диссертация
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2016
Кол-во страниц: 71

Описание работы

Views on literary translation from antiquity to the present reveal a conflict between two demands: to stay close to the text of the original and to approximate the perceptions of the reader. In different historical periods, the extreme expression of either demand may prevail. For example, in medieval Europe, when the Bible and other religious books accounted for most of the works translated into the new languages, literal translation prevailed. In the 16th through 18th centuries translation was ruled by a tendency to adapt to the neoclassical norms characteristic of French literature of the period. Later, an interest in the unique quality of national art was accompanied by a trend emphasizing a maximum approximation of the original. This was a reaction against leveling and reworking. The spread of multifaceted, comprehensive practice in translation and the development of linguistics are gradually leading to the recognition in theory that the centuries-old conflict between loyalty to the text and concern for the reader is not absolute and that a true understanding of literary translation lies at the intersection of the two demands.” “A translation should not simply serve in place of an original, but should replace it completely”.


Introduction    6
1 General Information on translation transformations    10
1.1 The notion of a translation transformation    10
1.2 Types of transformations    16
1.3 Peculiarities of translating the literature    25
2 Analysis of translation of "The Sittaford Mystery" novel by Agatha Christie    43
2.1 Lexical transformation of "The Sittaford Mystery" novel by Agatha Christie    43
2.2 Grammatical transformations of "The Sittaford Mystery" novel by Agatha Christie    48
2.3 Complex transformations of "The Sittaford Mystery" novel by Agatha Christie    55
Conclusion    64
Bibliography    68



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