The Development of English Adjectives

Тип работы: Курсовая
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2015
Кол-во страниц: 19

Описание работы

Relevance of this work is defined by that, despite numerous researches, an adjective, its origin and development still causes interest. Adjectives are characterized by the semantic and functional heterogeneity that is the reason of emergence of the most different classifications and approaches to research of grammatical categories of an adjective. Still there are disputable opinions of rather analytical formation of degrees of comparison. Object of research is the adjective and its development in English. Subject of research - categories of an adjective, their historical development. The aim of the work is to consider the stages of an adjective development in English language.


Introduction    3
1 The Origin of English Adjectives    4
1.1 Adjective as a category of English Language    4
1.2 Semantic Origin of English Adjective    6
2 The Development of English Adjective    9
2.1 Development of adjective in Old English Period    9
2.2 Development of adjective in Middle and Modern English Period    12
Conclusion    17
Bibliography    19



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Количество источников: 18

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