Peculiarities of translation of advertisements and headlines

Тип работы: Курсовая
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2013
Кол-во страниц: 27

Описание работы

The main purpose of our research is to identify the main peculiarities of the translation of the advertisements and advertisement headlines from English into Russian and to describe the main difficulties. We have set concrete objectives to obtain the goal of our research: • to consider the history of advertisement and types of advertisement; • to identify the main peculiarities of the advertising language; • to analyze the peculiarities of advertising translation from English into Russian. For the completion of our objectives we have studied the main ideas of such scientists as Komissarov V.N., Retsker Y., Turover G., Trista I., Barhurdarov L., Breus M, Nida E., and Newmark on the field of translation. To achieve the main purpose of the research we used the next scientific methods:  bibliographical method (for instance we have studied the books concerning the theory of translation);  historical method (we have studied the history of advertising);  comparative method (we have compared different ways of translations of the novel):  explanation method (we have given the definitions of the terms translation and others);  analysis (we have analyzed the translations of the slogans and claims). Considering all the moments mentioned above, we would put an accent on the fact that our research is actual because of:  the necessity to approve the methods and techniques in translation;  the insufficient elaboration of the problem (especially concerning the problem of comparison of different translations). Our course paper consists of: contents, introduction, two chapters, conclusion, and bibliography.


1.1 History of advertisement    5
1.2 Types of advertising    7
1.3 The concept of advertisement and advertisement headlines and peculiarities of their translation    10
2.1 Difficulties in translation of advertisements and headlines    16
2.2 Equivalence in translation of advertisements and advertisement headlines    19


1. Dunn, S.W. 1969. Advertising. Its role in modern marketing. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. 2. Dyer, G. 1982. Advertising as communication. London: Methuen. Eagleton, T. 2000. The idea of culture. Malden (MA), Blackwell, p.34. 3. Bovee, C.L. & Arens, W.F. 1986. Contemporary advertising. Homewood: Richard. Irwin, Inc. 4. Bolen, W.H. 1984. Advertisement. 2nd Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 5. Dunn, S.W. and Barban, A.M. 1986. Advertising its role in modern marketing. Madrid: Dryden Press. 6. Cook, G. 2001. The discourse of advertising, 2nd Edition, London: Routledge. 7. Mignard Beloruchev R.K. General theory of translation and interpretation. - M: 2002. - 237 pp. 8. Breus E.V. Theory and practice of translation from English into Russian: Textbook. - M.: 2001. – 104 pp. 9. Arakin V.D. Comparative Typology of English and Russian languages - Leningrad: Prosveshenie, 1979 – 259pp. 10. Lefevere, A. 1992. Translating literature: practice and theory in a comparative literature context. New York: The modern Language Association of America 11. Komissarov V.N. Theory of Translation (linguistic aspects): Textbook for students of foreign language faculty - M.: 2004. – 253 pp. 12. Catford, J.C. 1965. A linguistic theory of translation. London: Oxford University Press. 13. Scotty Matthews & Associates [Электрοнный ресурс]: Οфициальный сайт рекламнοгο агентства. Scotty Matthews & Associates - NY - 2007 - 2011. - Режим дοступа: URL: - 05. 12. 2011. 14. RSC Equipment Rental. [Электрοнный ресурс]: Рекламнοе агентствο. – 2012. – Режим дοступа: URL: – 23. 01. 2012.

Количество источников: 14

Цена: 3000 тг

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