Peculiarities of expressing politeness in English and Kazakh

Тип работы: Курсовая
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2015
Кол-во страниц: 23

Описание работы

Method of investigation –methods of observations, observing of literature analysis. Theoretical value – in this work we have studied forms expressing of politeness in English and Kazakh languages; we have defined the similarities and differences of expressing politeness in two languages.ия Practical value. The results of our research can be used by people to express politeness in different situations.


Introduction    3
1. Expressing Politeness and Impoliteness in Modern English    4
1.1 Politeness – as a Linguistic Category in Modern English    4
1.2 Ways of expressing politeness    5
1.3 The Brown and Levinson’s Classification of Politeness    7
2 Peculiarities of expressing politeness in English and Kazakh    9
2.1 Expressing politeness in English    9
2.2 Expressing politeness in Kazakh    19
2.3 Comparative-contrastive analysis of expressing politeness in English and Kazakh    20
Conclusions    22
List of bibliography    23


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